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First time to China. A life-changing experience showing the world is full of hidden gems.


Studied in Shanghai for a semester. Met someone who cycled around the world - which stuck with me. It became a hypothetical challenge on the verge of possibility.


Became expat teaching in Xi'an, China. Scuba diving in Thailand, motorcycling across Vietnam, all sorts of weirdness, the year reads like a storybook.

Moved 1,700 miles to teach at Fuqing Normal University. Roaming became a lifestyle with all the freetime. First ever bike tour - 19 days around Taiwan - was to "test the waters" of riding around the world. Loved it.


Taught at a kindergarten in Korea for 4 months while I was waiting for my master's to start. Made sure and squeezed in a short cycling trip across the country and 22 days across Japan as baby steps towards the scary idea of riding around the world.


Started Master's degree in Norway. Stunning, posh, miserable.


Studied abroad (from Norway) in France. Back to good food, good weather, and good prices. Best decision of my vie.


The devil you know. Moved back to China working at Huawei during it's craziest years. It's already crazy enough.

Despite being in China during Covid, if I was ever going to cycle around the world, I'd have to start... cycling. Rented bikes for big trips during national holidays. Then, bought one to go exploring on weekends and started making stupid little videos.


10 years after being inspired to ride around the world, I wheeled out of Seattle Airport with Winnie Mae.

16,700 miles, 32 countries, and 4 continents later, I'd overcome the hardest thing I've ever done. It made for a great story though.

Touring Bike daddyblondlegs Touring Bike