

Motorbiking across Vietnam

For just $300, you get your very own motorcycle. No, not rent, completely own. Granted they’re all ticking time bombs waiting for their disastrous end.

In Vietnam, Motorcycle, Feb 14, 2014


Motorbiking across Malaysia

One-uping that glorious trip across Vietnam? It'd be tough, but a Royal Enfield across India should do it. Less than 48 hellish hours later, I returned to Nepal because India is o...

In Malaysia, Motorcycle, Feb 13, 2015

Motorbiking across Vietnam

For just $300, you get your very own motorcycle. No, not rent, completely own. Granted they’re all ticking time bombs waiting for their disastrous end.

In Vietnam, Motorcycle, Feb 14, 2014


Enshi to Chongqing - Chinese New Years

My last big trip in October went halfway across Hubei Province to the Three Gorges Dam, and just beyond that is EnShi. Its elegant black building complex was a scroll-stopper on a tra...

In China, Cycling, Feb 14, 2022

Gorgeous Panoramas of Cycling Guangxi

Guangxi (West Guang) is the province next door to Guangdong (East Guang) where I live. Much less developed, but way more scenic. Most people who've been to Southern China have visited...

In China, Feb 12, 2022

I was in a Chinese Christmas Commercial

Merry Christmas! This year I got to check off something that’s mostly likely because I live in China and not because I’m pretty. Usually making commercials in Shenzhen sta...

In China, Dec 23, 2021

Spooky Ride through LinZhai Ruins

Somewhere on page 19 of my favorite site for travelling in China, there was an entry for 林寨 (forest stronghold). Crumbling house? Em, eww, maybe. It went on my "to-go...

In China, Cycling, Oct 30, 2021

Cycling to Covid's Ground Zero

Bike trip from Nanchang to Wuhan (Covid's ground-zero). My Chinese is good enough that I can now misread things, apparently. The "hard sleeper" ticket I was fortunate to get magically...

In China, Cycling, Oct 01, 2021

House Hunting in Post-Covid China

A new job in a new city was where I pictured myself when thinking about my escape from Huawei, but it seemed Shenzhen was the only place hiring. My new job is on the other side of the...

In China, Expat Life, Jan 15, 2021

Forced to Take a Covid Test in China

This week I decided to revisit a spot I didn’t get to on a previous trip; someone had mentioned that Pingtian was a beautiful town in the mountains. Come to realize, this part o...

In China, Cycling, Jan 06, 2021

If I had a Favorite Place

I could see it extending just above the treetops, looking out across at it from a mountain temple. The stone tower stood in solitude on a hill unaccompanied by such crowds as were aro...

In China, Oct 13, 2014

Teaching English in a Small Chinese Town of 1 Million

I taught English at a university one year – a nice step up from teaching at a kindergarten – in a town most Chinese people have never heard of. At around 1 million people,...

In China, Expat, Sep 10, 2014


Teaching English in a Small Chinese Town of 1 Million

I taught English at a university one year – a nice step up from teaching at a kindergarten – in a town most Chinese people have never heard of. At around 1 million people,...

In China, Expat, Sep 10, 2014


Motorbiking across Malaysia

One-uping that glorious trip across Vietnam? It'd be tough, but a Royal Enfield across India should do it. Less than 48 hellish hours later, I returned to Nepal because India is o...

In Malaysia, Motorcycle, Feb 13, 2015


HuanDao: Cycling around Taiwan

Distance: 860mi (1384km)Days: 19Days Wild Camped: 18Armed with: Beach tent, hammockWaves surfed: ½ 

In Taiwan, Cycling, Jun 23, 2015


World Cycling Tour: Southern Africa

It’s probably not hard to imagine that this was my favorite leg of the world tour. The traffic to nature ratio was excellent.

In World Tour, Cycling, Feb 14, 2023

World Cycling Tour: Eastern Europe

It’s not any scarier that Western Europe, just a little rough around the edges. Still, you’ll be surprised at the marvels laying all the way “over there”. My first tho...

In World Tour, Cycling, Oct 16, 2022

Enshi to Chongqing - Chinese New Years

My last big trip in October went halfway across Hubei Province to the Three Gorges Dam, and just beyond that is EnShi. Its elegant black building complex was a scroll-stopper on a tra...

In China, Cycling, Feb 14, 2022

Spooky Ride through LinZhai Ruins

Somewhere on page 19 of my favorite site for travelling in China, there was an entry for 林寨 (forest stronghold). Crumbling house? Em, eww, maybe. It went on my "to-go...

In China, Cycling, Oct 30, 2021

Cycling to Covid's Ground Zero

Bike trip from Nanchang to Wuhan (Covid's ground-zero). My Chinese is good enough that I can now misread things, apparently. The "hard sleeper" ticket I was fortunate to get magically...

In China, Cycling, Oct 01, 2021

Forced to Take a Covid Test in China

This week I decided to revisit a spot I didn’t get to on a previous trip; someone had mentioned that Pingtian was a beautiful town in the mountains. Come to realize, this part o...

In China, Cycling, Jan 06, 2021

Wild Camping in Japan

I slept outside 19 of the 22 days I was in Japan. Behind the rear wheels of a parked truck, under bridges, on top of bridges, behind AC units... urban camping is half the fun of it. J...

In Japan, Cycling, Aug 16, 2016

Cycling across Japan


In Japan, Cycling, Aug 08, 2016

HuanDao: Cycling around Taiwan

Distance: 860mi (1384km)Days: 19Days Wild Camped: 18Armed with: Beach tent, hammockWaves surfed: ½ 

In Taiwan, Cycling, Jun 23, 2015


Wild Camping in Japan

I slept outside 19 of the 22 days I was in Japan. Behind the rear wheels of a parked truck, under bridges, on top of bridges, behind AC units... urban camping is half the fun of it. J...

In Japan, Cycling, Aug 16, 2016

Cycling across Japan


In Japan, Cycling, Aug 08, 2016


A Traditional French Christmas

Granted it’s well past the fact, but no one really reads this blog anyway.

In France, Food, Dec 23, 2018

The Around Town Cuisine

Three foods of France: the ubiquitous tartare de bœuf enjoyed France-wide, the alpine favorite raclette spanning several regions, and the dauphinois-locals-only ravioles.

In France, Sep 20, 2018

De-Frechifying your English

De-Frechifying your English

In France, Apr 23, 2018


The Last of Fall at Gran Paradiso

I woke up cold in an empty campsite, beside a trailer with its blinds down. The off-season provided little approbation of how to use this big empty space, but I followed the park mand...

In Italy, Oct 19, 2018


A Traditional French Christmas

Granted it’s well past the fact, but no one really reads this blog anyway.

In France, Food, Dec 23, 2018

Southeast Asia

Motorbiking across Myanmar

I’ve only been at work for four months and already get a week of paid vacation for China’s national holiday.

In Southeast Asia, Oct 04, 2019

Expat Life

House Hunting in Post-Covid China

A new job in a new city was where I pictured myself when thinking about my escape from Huawei, but it seemed Shenzhen was the only place hiring. My new job is on the other side of the...

In China, Expat Life, Jan 15, 2021


Bike Touring

World Tour

World Cycling Tour: Southern Africa

It’s probably not hard to imagine that this was my favorite leg of the world tour. The traffic to nature ratio was excellent.

In World Tour, Cycling, Feb 14, 2023

World Cycling Tour: Eastern Europe

It’s not any scarier that Western Europe, just a little rough around the edges. Still, you’ll be surprised at the marvels laying all the way “over there”. My first tho...

In World Tour, Cycling, Oct 16, 2022