What in the world did I get myself into!

Touring Bike

This world-tourer I built from scratch using top-notch parts. At first, I didn't know a bottom bracket from a dropout or a down tube from a top tube, but you get there eventually. The payoff is having stuff you know works and how it works (except for my $1,800 rear hub).

World Touring Bicycle

Gear Guides

You never know what you'll need... and what you won't, and until you've done a big tour, you won't get it. These guides help you figure what stuff works, what was completely uneccessary, and little tricks to make the little you have go further. 

Sleeping Hydration Cooking

Route Guides

A section-by-section overview of an RTW bike tour?! Boy, wouldn't that be nice. These guides are based on my experiences, but people's "favorite" or "least favorite" countries always seem to differ. You're experience is really just at the mercy of whatever life throws your way, but these guides can show you when to duck.

W. USA E. USA W. Europe E. Europe S. Africa Ehtiopia Middle East